weight loss weblog

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Weight loss pact

So a co-worker and myself have decided to help push each other the right direction and hold each other accountable and have decided to buckle down and lose the weight over the next month. I need someone with in butt kicking distance to hold me accountable so I hope this wrks. My neck is feeling a lot better and I think by tomorrow I should be able to start walking again, maybe even running. Keep your fingers crossed.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Keeping at it

I have been working hard to get back on track and despite a really really sore knee and a hectic schedule I have been doing ok. I am changing things up a bit and decided before I get my body totally smoking ;), I need to get my house in order. So this week all the time I would have spent working out I am going to spend doing a deep cleaning on my home. I love my home, but as living with four boys under the age of 8 can do, it is needing some TLC. So we are having "house cleaning parties" every night this week. My kids HATE house cleaning parties. With this new plan, I am also planning daily menus and going to try to get our food under a budget, home made and healthy. My kids, at least one of them every meal, WHINE about what I cook. I can never please everyone, unless we eat fast food, or I make hotdogs. Well sometimes after working all day and toting kids where they need to go, I give in and make junk so i don't have to listen to it. Well NO MORE. Starting tomorrow I am going to be a mean mom that makes my kids a home cooked healthy meal every night. And they are just going to have to deal with it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Long time no post.

Well as all of you can tell I have fallen off and been run over by the workout wagon. I was doing really well and thought I had it figured out. Well, all I can say for myself is it was easy when life was easy. But throw a little stress in there and it suddenly becomes a challenge, and I failed. So I am going to try to refocus, and get back on track. Yes I am aware that my last few posts say the same thing, but all I can do is try again. Thrid time is the charm right?

So that being said I got up and ran IN THE MORNING even, which is so hard for me. I am starting off light and will work myself up again and today I have accomplished my goal. On a side note on my little hiatus I didn't damage my progress, so I am picking up right where I left off on my quest to 129!