weight loss weblog

Monday, August 25, 2008

So much to blog.....so little time.

So I am sitting here waiting for my sitter to show up so I can head off to start another week, and I have so much I want to blog! First off, my dearest friend Jenny came to visit this last week. And finally she convinced me to go running with her. I have to be honest I had been so intimidated by this, she is amazing. But I went, and it kicked my butt. I am a tread mill runner, and this is the first time I have run out side. WHAT A DIFFERENCE. My asma (sp?) totally acted up for the first time in at least ten years. I couldn't breathe at all. Then I was getting a little claustraphobic because I couldn't get air in my lungs. It was so weird, and humbling. So..... I decided now I am going to try to master running outside. I got up early this morning and ran for two and half miles, and was FINE!!!! I don't get it. I didn't have to walk once! I think maybe our route was too difficult. I chose this morning to stick to the neighborhood cause I am big chicken! But I am so proud of myself for doing it, and I am going to try to run outside at least two of my workouts a week. Anyway I have again changed things up in the hopes of accomplishing some new goals.

Next, there is the sweetest lady from chruch that has started "blog stalking" me as she puts it. LOL. And I must tell her thanks for all her compliments. She is the first and only person outside of my family that has noticed my progress and I appreciate so much her support. I look up to her so much and it means a lot. So thank you thank you thank you.

Well I must go to work, but I will blog more, I have been up to so much this last week, and I have a lot to tell you all about. Here and on my family blog.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A needed rest.

So I have taken about a week off. No working out, not watching everything that goes into my mouth, and just enjoying sometime with family. I have to say it was a needed break. I feel so much better and rested. I got back on the treadmill today and ran for 30 minutes at a 12 min mile pace, and it was easy!!! That kicked my butt when I started this. It actually felt fantastic, and my body missed the work out. I have spent the last few days camping at the coast, eating great camp food, and enjoying my family. It has been great. I didn't even weigh myself for a week. And the good news is no gain, no loss. I managed to maintain and I am very proud of that.

Well now it is time to get back to business. My hubby and kids have left me home alone for four days, and I am planning on workingo out everyday and eating very healthy (something challenging when you are feeding a family).

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Holy Cow!!!

So I stepped on my scale this morning and it said 135!!! I was so excited. I have been working so hard to see that number. I am sure it will go up before it stays down, but it was there in black and white this morning. What an awesome way to start the day!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Happy Friday

I am so glad it is Friday and I don't feel totally exhausted. My highlight of my week was my scale reading 137! I am so excited. My sister sent me a bunch of clothes she can't wear anymore, (she is ridiculous skinny) and they are sooooo cute. Half fit now, the other half are a great incentive to lose some more weight. All this is just what I needed cause I have been so discouraged lately. Between migraines, kids, work, kids, and stress , oh yeah and kids, I just have not wanted to run anymore. But I have been forcing myself to do it, and it is nice to see it pay off, if only for today. I am still hoping to hit my goal of 135 before next Friday, but I have decided to not stress out about it. I am actually pretty happy with the way I look right now so that is what matters. I definately can use to lose some more, but I am not going to kill myself doing it.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Things are looking rosy!

Well I am still at 139, no more loss, but no more gain. But I am feeling sooooo much better. My attitude has drastically improved! It is amazing how much a multi day migraine can get you down. I got up this morning and ran/walked for 40 minutes. Which was huge cause the last thing I want to do on a Saturday morning is get up early and sweat. But I did it, and.......I tried on my "skinny jeans" and by skinny jeans I mean jeans I haven't been able to put my fat behind in for well over two years! Not only did I get them on, buttoned and zipped, but they are actually comfortable! So even if I am not losing any weight at the moment at least my body is changing!

Well i have four kids to get ready for grandma's house! Robert and I get a day to ourselves! (Few and far, very far between.)

Oh yeah I am posting a during picture while I am updating and in a good mood!