weight loss weblog

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Being Tested

Well I know I haven't posted in a while but I just haven't had anything to say! I haven't gained or lost anything. I have managed to maintain, so that is positive. I have stuck to my schedule and eating habits have been ok. It has been a really rough week and half to be honest. I haven't been feeling very good, and I have developed a dang bad case of shin splints (sp?)... (If anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with these I am desperate). I have had a very very sick little boy to take care of, and am running on zero (seriously none) sleep. We have also been dealing with some family changes and stress (will be updating the family blog soon regarding this, can't say much yet) which has taken its toll as well. So now the good news, I am feeling better, boys are all healthy, family stuff has taken an amazing turn for the better, or at least appears to be, so I am hoping a good night sleep and my energy and focus can return to where it needs to be.

I am using our family vacation as a motivator at this point. So we will see how the next few weeks go. I am also going to post a during picture in the few days to show some of my progress (by request) and hopefully that will be a little motivator too.

Well I must be off to bed now. Have a great night (or day depending on when you read this).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wednesday...half way through the week.

So this week has been a lot more difficult. I have stuck to my workouts and eating well, but have gained 1/2 pound, which is frustrating. I am also fighting a really terrible migraine today, which it has been a while since I have had one. Since I am in complain mode I will continue....I also am working full time this week, so my "free" time to workout is a lot more limited. I think today is a test to see my true dedication to my goal. So I am going to stay strong and move forward.

I needed to vent out the negative and this seemed like as good a place as any, hopefully I haven't totally bummed anyone out. Next post will be positive I promise.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Major Accomplishment!

I did it! I weighed myself this morning and it said 139!!!!!!!!!! For those of you that remember this was my intermediate goal! My scale hasn't read below 140 in two years! And 139 is the lowest I have been since I had Carson. (He will be four next month). I am on Cloud 9! It feels so amazing to make it to this goal because honestly I didn't know if I would really do it. I have to get to work I just wanted to brag for a while :).

(We are having a pot luck at work today, so it may be a short term celebration)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Fun Fact!

I was looking at my drivers license today and found out I am only 10 pounds away from actually weighing what it says I do :) !

I feel excellent!

Today I woke up and feel so great! First time in awhile. I lifted last night for the first time in a week, then ran for twenty minutes. This is above and beyond my "normal" schedule so I am pretty proud of myself. I was gonna just do a light run but ended up doing better then 11 min. mile, (This is REEEEAAALLLYYY good for me.) I am going to come home today and do my normal work out, and eat healthy (I just heard my rice steamer ding :) ) I am hoping to accomplish my intermediate goal (139) by Sunday. It is so definately with in reach. I am also wearing a skirt to work today that I haven't been able to get on in a long time. I have a feeling it is going to be a great day.

Monday, July 14, 2008

A New Start!

Ok so it is a new week and I am feeling ready to start fresh! I hurt my neck on Thursday and could barely move for three days. Today it is still tender but at least I can sorta turn my head! However I am very proud of myself cause I still did my workout on Friday. Even though I was in pain. Instead of running for forty minutes I decided to walk and I increased my incline to 10. It felt great to accomplish that. Weird workout paradox though, running for forty minutes seems a heck of a lot shorter than walking for forty minutes. I was so bored I almost fell asleep! Also I have been lifting ( not since Thrusday because of my neck though). Robert is my trainer and although he is cute, he is insane. He made me do squats and for three days I couldn't sit!!!! The backs of my legs hurt sooooo bad! I almost got a bladder infection because it hurt to sit on the toilet so bad! Ok I know TMI, but I had to share that. I feel like such a wimp! But back to the grindstone today! I will let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Attitude Adjustment Needed

Ok, so I am not sure what is going on with me right now. I am losing weight, and making progress, my clothes are all getting too big, and I feel better than I can ever remember feeling since I have had the boys. But.........I am getting really negative about working out. I am starting to dread it, ALOT! I haven't lifted since Thrusday, and I am keeping up my running, but I really have to psych myself into it. It just doesn't make sense. I am seeing real results, I am just so tired on this schedule and I am hungry too. Ok, enough whining, just had to get that out of my system.
To try to combat this bad attitude, today is a day of attitude adjustment. I am going to be super positive all day long! I still have to do my running today which I am going to do as soon as I get home from work. (And I mean it, no sitting around putting it off.) Then I am going to lift tonight, if it cools off. It is supposed to be 106!!!!! That is just too hot! Thanks for listening to me whine. I promise my next post will be more useful.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A good week..

Well so far so good. I have worked out everyday and am down a pound. I won't make it official until i can go three days at this weight. I am heading to Klamath Falls this morning for work and my boss is taking me out to lunch, so pray I can make some healthy choices.
I am really proud of myself for being able to stick to it this far. I have to thank Jenny for inspiring me, and my husband for being such a strong support and a great example. It is so nice to have someone to work out with. And it is actually turning into a family goal. I have watched my boys become more aware of being healthy and staying active. It is going to be a great day! I will try to post more later. Keeping up two blogs gets time consuming lol!