weight loss weblog

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I finally got up off my lazy rear and ran last night. It felt so good to sweat and breathe heavy. I have been missing it, but to lazy to do anything about it. I didn't push too hard yesterday cause I don' t want to end up hurting myself and being right back where I started. So I have decided to do three semi-aggressive work outs this week and hopefully kick it back up to four next week. I have found myself falling back into the "good enough" mentality. I look so much better than I did a few months ago I tell myself well it isn't what your goal was, but it is good enough for now. Or I will compare myself to people I pass on the street and think, well i look pretty darn good compared to some people, so I can take a break for awhile. Well I have FINALLY decided, it isn't good enough. Yeah I am proud of my progress, but I WANT to hit 129 and my goal is slightly revised to accomplish this before Christmas.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Silver Lining

Ok so my last few posts have been a little whiney, I admit. So here is a positive point to focus on!! I haven't been into working out as I have stated, but I have mananged to maintain my weight loss now for over a month. I haven't gained anything back. that is something.....right?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ok so I have been struggling....

Well I haven't been posting like I normally do here, mostly cause I have nothing positive to say. I have been working out at least three times a week, but I have not been enjoying it at all. I have been making myself do it so I don't back track. We are also dealing with some heavy stress right now as a family, and when I get stressed I EAT. Not a big deal except I eat JUNK! Fast Food, Chocolate, any thing fried, pizza, oh gosh I just eat junk. I have been trying hard to be good and feel like I am losing. So I decided to post and lay it all out here on the table and move on. (Right now I am picturing a big table layed out with junk....man I have a problem).
So the good news, I have maintained my weight. I have managed to not gain anything, although I feel fat, so I guess it really doesn't matter. I am going to try to re-energize myself and fall back in love with working out. I have done well this week as long as I get one more work out in, and starting tomorrow morning, NO MORE JUNK.....although my body may go into some sort of shock if I quit cold turkey. Maybe I need to wean myself off....;)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back in the Saddle....

So I ran last night for the first time in over a week. It was extremely humbling as it was REALLY REALLY hard. I did manage to keep up my pace to what I had worked up to, but it wasn't an easy task. I ran for thirty minutes. It felt so good to get my body working again. I had begun to feel fat and sluggish, which is funny cause I hadn't gained more than a pound, but my body felt like I had gained ten! I still feel that way, but I am planning on hitting really hard this week and working out every day, one day hard the next day a light work out.

I need to get back on track to meet my goal of hitting 129 before xmas.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Out of Commission!

Ok, so I am so depressed right now. I have been doing really good and getting into my workouts, and I woke up yesterday and I can't move. I must have done something to my neck/back and I seriously can't move! Plus I am in constant pain, really really bad pain, and not just when I move, ALL THE TIME! I haven't been pushing myself too hard either. I felt like I had finally found a happy medium of working out and loving it. And BAM! Now I can barely even walk! It is so frustrating! So now I am just exsisting and trying to keep the pain to a medium. If anyone has any idea as to what to take to make the constant pain stop I am all ears. Advil isn't cutting it, even at 800 mg doses and I don't want any prescription pain meds, they make me really goofy. Well I am done complaining, I am going to try to get my sorry butt to work, (It is end of the month or I wouldn't be going at all). I hope to have a more uplifting post in the future, but there is nothing uplifting about me today!