weight loss weblog

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Weight loss pact

So a co-worker and myself have decided to help push each other the right direction and hold each other accountable and have decided to buckle down and lose the weight over the next month. I need someone with in butt kicking distance to hold me accountable so I hope this wrks. My neck is feeling a lot better and I think by tomorrow I should be able to start walking again, maybe even running. Keep your fingers crossed.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Keeping at it

I have been working hard to get back on track and despite a really really sore knee and a hectic schedule I have been doing ok. I am changing things up a bit and decided before I get my body totally smoking ;), I need to get my house in order. So this week all the time I would have spent working out I am going to spend doing a deep cleaning on my home. I love my home, but as living with four boys under the age of 8 can do, it is needing some TLC. So we are having "house cleaning parties" every night this week. My kids HATE house cleaning parties. With this new plan, I am also planning daily menus and going to try to get our food under a budget, home made and healthy. My kids, at least one of them every meal, WHINE about what I cook. I can never please everyone, unless we eat fast food, or I make hotdogs. Well sometimes after working all day and toting kids where they need to go, I give in and make junk so i don't have to listen to it. Well NO MORE. Starting tomorrow I am going to be a mean mom that makes my kids a home cooked healthy meal every night. And they are just going to have to deal with it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Long time no post.

Well as all of you can tell I have fallen off and been run over by the workout wagon. I was doing really well and thought I had it figured out. Well, all I can say for myself is it was easy when life was easy. But throw a little stress in there and it suddenly becomes a challenge, and I failed. So I am going to try to refocus, and get back on track. Yes I am aware that my last few posts say the same thing, but all I can do is try again. Thrid time is the charm right?

So that being said I got up and ran IN THE MORNING even, which is so hard for me. I am starting off light and will work myself up again and today I have accomplished my goal. On a side note on my little hiatus I didn't damage my progress, so I am picking up right where I left off on my quest to 129!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wow what a day!

So I had two people today tell me how skinny I am looking! That was such a boost ( a needed one). Plus they were men, who usually don't even notice things like that so that makes it even better. In fact I am so motivated I am going to go run right now! Amazing where the motivation lingers!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Workout number 2 this week.....done

Ok it has been tough to convince myself to get back on track, but am two workouts into getting it done. I have also been doing pretty good on the food trail as well. I haven't deprived myself, but I have definately been making some healthy choices. Ok so looking toward the future. I am planning on working out tomorrow, and taking Friday off because we are going to be at karate and football practice untill well after dark, then I have to make dinner and get kids into bed. If by the grace of God I have any energy left I will work out Friday too, but I am considering it a bonus workout. Then Saturday will be an outdoor run before Robert goes to work. If I can say nothing else, it is a great stress relief. I have been under so much stress lately that this is the first time I am feeling tired and relaxed. So see already a silver lining. :)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I finally got up off my lazy rear and ran last night. It felt so good to sweat and breathe heavy. I have been missing it, but to lazy to do anything about it. I didn't push too hard yesterday cause I don' t want to end up hurting myself and being right back where I started. So I have decided to do three semi-aggressive work outs this week and hopefully kick it back up to four next week. I have found myself falling back into the "good enough" mentality. I look so much better than I did a few months ago I tell myself well it isn't what your goal was, but it is good enough for now. Or I will compare myself to people I pass on the street and think, well i look pretty darn good compared to some people, so I can take a break for awhile. Well I have FINALLY decided, it isn't good enough. Yeah I am proud of my progress, but I WANT to hit 129 and my goal is slightly revised to accomplish this before Christmas.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Silver Lining

Ok so my last few posts have been a little whiney, I admit. So here is a positive point to focus on!! I haven't been into working out as I have stated, but I have mananged to maintain my weight loss now for over a month. I haven't gained anything back. that is something.....right?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ok so I have been struggling....

Well I haven't been posting like I normally do here, mostly cause I have nothing positive to say. I have been working out at least three times a week, but I have not been enjoying it at all. I have been making myself do it so I don't back track. We are also dealing with some heavy stress right now as a family, and when I get stressed I EAT. Not a big deal except I eat JUNK! Fast Food, Chocolate, any thing fried, pizza, oh gosh I just eat junk. I have been trying hard to be good and feel like I am losing. So I decided to post and lay it all out here on the table and move on. (Right now I am picturing a big table layed out with junk....man I have a problem).
So the good news, I have maintained my weight. I have managed to not gain anything, although I feel fat, so I guess it really doesn't matter. I am going to try to re-energize myself and fall back in love with working out. I have done well this week as long as I get one more work out in, and starting tomorrow morning, NO MORE JUNK.....although my body may go into some sort of shock if I quit cold turkey. Maybe I need to wean myself off....;)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Back in the Saddle....

So I ran last night for the first time in over a week. It was extremely humbling as it was REALLY REALLY hard. I did manage to keep up my pace to what I had worked up to, but it wasn't an easy task. I ran for thirty minutes. It felt so good to get my body working again. I had begun to feel fat and sluggish, which is funny cause I hadn't gained more than a pound, but my body felt like I had gained ten! I still feel that way, but I am planning on hitting really hard this week and working out every day, one day hard the next day a light work out.

I need to get back on track to meet my goal of hitting 129 before xmas.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Out of Commission!

Ok, so I am so depressed right now. I have been doing really good and getting into my workouts, and I woke up yesterday and I can't move. I must have done something to my neck/back and I seriously can't move! Plus I am in constant pain, really really bad pain, and not just when I move, ALL THE TIME! I haven't been pushing myself too hard either. I felt like I had finally found a happy medium of working out and loving it. And BAM! Now I can barely even walk! It is so frustrating! So now I am just exsisting and trying to keep the pain to a medium. If anyone has any idea as to what to take to make the constant pain stop I am all ears. Advil isn't cutting it, even at 800 mg doses and I don't want any prescription pain meds, they make me really goofy. Well I am done complaining, I am going to try to get my sorry butt to work, (It is end of the month or I wouldn't be going at all). I hope to have a more uplifting post in the future, but there is nothing uplifting about me today!

Monday, August 25, 2008

So much to blog.....so little time.

So I am sitting here waiting for my sitter to show up so I can head off to start another week, and I have so much I want to blog! First off, my dearest friend Jenny came to visit this last week. And finally she convinced me to go running with her. I have to be honest I had been so intimidated by this, she is amazing. But I went, and it kicked my butt. I am a tread mill runner, and this is the first time I have run out side. WHAT A DIFFERENCE. My asma (sp?) totally acted up for the first time in at least ten years. I couldn't breathe at all. Then I was getting a little claustraphobic because I couldn't get air in my lungs. It was so weird, and humbling. So..... I decided now I am going to try to master running outside. I got up early this morning and ran for two and half miles, and was FINE!!!! I don't get it. I didn't have to walk once! I think maybe our route was too difficult. I chose this morning to stick to the neighborhood cause I am big chicken! But I am so proud of myself for doing it, and I am going to try to run outside at least two of my workouts a week. Anyway I have again changed things up in the hopes of accomplishing some new goals.

Next, there is the sweetest lady from chruch that has started "blog stalking" me as she puts it. LOL. And I must tell her thanks for all her compliments. She is the first and only person outside of my family that has noticed my progress and I appreciate so much her support. I look up to her so much and it means a lot. So thank you thank you thank you.

Well I must go to work, but I will blog more, I have been up to so much this last week, and I have a lot to tell you all about. Here and on my family blog.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A needed rest.

So I have taken about a week off. No working out, not watching everything that goes into my mouth, and just enjoying sometime with family. I have to say it was a needed break. I feel so much better and rested. I got back on the treadmill today and ran for 30 minutes at a 12 min mile pace, and it was easy!!! That kicked my butt when I started this. It actually felt fantastic, and my body missed the work out. I have spent the last few days camping at the coast, eating great camp food, and enjoying my family. It has been great. I didn't even weigh myself for a week. And the good news is no gain, no loss. I managed to maintain and I am very proud of that.

Well now it is time to get back to business. My hubby and kids have left me home alone for four days, and I am planning on workingo out everyday and eating very healthy (something challenging when you are feeding a family).

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Holy Cow!!!

So I stepped on my scale this morning and it said 135!!! I was so excited. I have been working so hard to see that number. I am sure it will go up before it stays down, but it was there in black and white this morning. What an awesome way to start the day!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Happy Friday

I am so glad it is Friday and I don't feel totally exhausted. My highlight of my week was my scale reading 137! I am so excited. My sister sent me a bunch of clothes she can't wear anymore, (she is ridiculous skinny) and they are sooooo cute. Half fit now, the other half are a great incentive to lose some more weight. All this is just what I needed cause I have been so discouraged lately. Between migraines, kids, work, kids, and stress , oh yeah and kids, I just have not wanted to run anymore. But I have been forcing myself to do it, and it is nice to see it pay off, if only for today. I am still hoping to hit my goal of 135 before next Friday, but I have decided to not stress out about it. I am actually pretty happy with the way I look right now so that is what matters. I definately can use to lose some more, but I am not going to kill myself doing it.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Things are looking rosy!

Well I am still at 139, no more loss, but no more gain. But I am feeling sooooo much better. My attitude has drastically improved! It is amazing how much a multi day migraine can get you down. I got up this morning and ran/walked for 40 minutes. Which was huge cause the last thing I want to do on a Saturday morning is get up early and sweat. But I did it, and.......I tried on my "skinny jeans" and by skinny jeans I mean jeans I haven't been able to put my fat behind in for well over two years! Not only did I get them on, buttoned and zipped, but they are actually comfortable! So even if I am not losing any weight at the moment at least my body is changing!

Well i have four kids to get ready for grandma's house! Robert and I get a day to ourselves! (Few and far, very far between.)

Oh yeah I am posting a during picture while I am updating and in a good mood!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Being Tested

Well I know I haven't posted in a while but I just haven't had anything to say! I haven't gained or lost anything. I have managed to maintain, so that is positive. I have stuck to my schedule and eating habits have been ok. It has been a really rough week and half to be honest. I haven't been feeling very good, and I have developed a dang bad case of shin splints (sp?)... (If anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with these I am desperate). I have had a very very sick little boy to take care of, and am running on zero (seriously none) sleep. We have also been dealing with some family changes and stress (will be updating the family blog soon regarding this, can't say much yet) which has taken its toll as well. So now the good news, I am feeling better, boys are all healthy, family stuff has taken an amazing turn for the better, or at least appears to be, so I am hoping a good night sleep and my energy and focus can return to where it needs to be.

I am using our family vacation as a motivator at this point. So we will see how the next few weeks go. I am also going to post a during picture in the few days to show some of my progress (by request) and hopefully that will be a little motivator too.

Well I must be off to bed now. Have a great night (or day depending on when you read this).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wednesday...half way through the week.

So this week has been a lot more difficult. I have stuck to my workouts and eating well, but have gained 1/2 pound, which is frustrating. I am also fighting a really terrible migraine today, which it has been a while since I have had one. Since I am in complain mode I will continue....I also am working full time this week, so my "free" time to workout is a lot more limited. I think today is a test to see my true dedication to my goal. So I am going to stay strong and move forward.

I needed to vent out the negative and this seemed like as good a place as any, hopefully I haven't totally bummed anyone out. Next post will be positive I promise.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Major Accomplishment!

I did it! I weighed myself this morning and it said 139!!!!!!!!!! For those of you that remember this was my intermediate goal! My scale hasn't read below 140 in two years! And 139 is the lowest I have been since I had Carson. (He will be four next month). I am on Cloud 9! It feels so amazing to make it to this goal because honestly I didn't know if I would really do it. I have to get to work I just wanted to brag for a while :).

(We are having a pot luck at work today, so it may be a short term celebration)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Fun Fact!

I was looking at my drivers license today and found out I am only 10 pounds away from actually weighing what it says I do :) !

I feel excellent!

Today I woke up and feel so great! First time in awhile. I lifted last night for the first time in a week, then ran for twenty minutes. This is above and beyond my "normal" schedule so I am pretty proud of myself. I was gonna just do a light run but ended up doing better then 11 min. mile, (This is REEEEAAALLLYYY good for me.) I am going to come home today and do my normal work out, and eat healthy (I just heard my rice steamer ding :) ) I am hoping to accomplish my intermediate goal (139) by Sunday. It is so definately with in reach. I am also wearing a skirt to work today that I haven't been able to get on in a long time. I have a feeling it is going to be a great day.

Monday, July 14, 2008

A New Start!

Ok so it is a new week and I am feeling ready to start fresh! I hurt my neck on Thursday and could barely move for three days. Today it is still tender but at least I can sorta turn my head! However I am very proud of myself cause I still did my workout on Friday. Even though I was in pain. Instead of running for forty minutes I decided to walk and I increased my incline to 10. It felt great to accomplish that. Weird workout paradox though, running for forty minutes seems a heck of a lot shorter than walking for forty minutes. I was so bored I almost fell asleep! Also I have been lifting ( not since Thrusday because of my neck though). Robert is my trainer and although he is cute, he is insane. He made me do squats and for three days I couldn't sit!!!! The backs of my legs hurt sooooo bad! I almost got a bladder infection because it hurt to sit on the toilet so bad! Ok I know TMI, but I had to share that. I feel like such a wimp! But back to the grindstone today! I will let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Attitude Adjustment Needed

Ok, so I am not sure what is going on with me right now. I am losing weight, and making progress, my clothes are all getting too big, and I feel better than I can ever remember feeling since I have had the boys. But.........I am getting really negative about working out. I am starting to dread it, ALOT! I haven't lifted since Thrusday, and I am keeping up my running, but I really have to psych myself into it. It just doesn't make sense. I am seeing real results, I am just so tired on this schedule and I am hungry too. Ok, enough whining, just had to get that out of my system.
To try to combat this bad attitude, today is a day of attitude adjustment. I am going to be super positive all day long! I still have to do my running today which I am going to do as soon as I get home from work. (And I mean it, no sitting around putting it off.) Then I am going to lift tonight, if it cools off. It is supposed to be 106!!!!! That is just too hot! Thanks for listening to me whine. I promise my next post will be more useful.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A good week..

Well so far so good. I have worked out everyday and am down a pound. I won't make it official until i can go three days at this weight. I am heading to Klamath Falls this morning for work and my boss is taking me out to lunch, so pray I can make some healthy choices.
I am really proud of myself for being able to stick to it this far. I have to thank Jenny for inspiring me, and my husband for being such a strong support and a great example. It is so nice to have someone to work out with. And it is actually turning into a family goal. I have watched my boys become more aware of being healthy and staying active. It is going to be a great day! I will try to post more later. Keeping up two blogs gets time consuming lol!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just a quick note....

I just have to share a super exciting fact....I am wearing my size 4 capri's today. And they aren't skin tight!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another day another workout

Well I was able to get it all done! I finished my brothers amended taxes, made a good dinner for my family, pick up the living room and get in my workout. I only walked today however, no running. I wasn't really feeling up to working out at all, so my brain made a deal with my body that I would do my workout but only walk and add some extra time to make up for it. So I did. I burned 400 calories which is more than I ate most of the day so I figure I am ahead in the end. And I feel accomplished.

Oh an exciting thing happened. I was getting dressed this morning and glanced in the mirror, (which I normally avoid), and low and behold I saw a waist line!!!! I can actually see some real results which is very motivating. I know my problem areas, and it is so rewarding to see them diminishing, however slowly it is happening, it IS happening. I hope I don't sound braggy, just wanted to post something positive for a change. And I was pretty excited about that!

Monday, June 23, 2008


So this is totally a selfish post. It is Monday and I need all the motivation I can get to accomplish my goals this week. I got on the scale this morning and happily discovered I hadn't destroyed all the progress I had made last week. So I get to start out on the right foot. Now I would like to drop another pound this week, and in order to pull that off I need to stick to my work out schedule and eat good. I am hoping by reading this a few times today I will come home and jump on the treadmill, but sometimes it gets dreadfully boring. I am bored right now just thinking about it.

But I know what I want to accomplish and a nice run when I get home will be a good step in that direction!!! Wish me luck. If I start off right in the week, it is always easier to stick to it the rest of the week.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Rest Day.

Well today is a rest day for me. And I have to say my body is rebelling. I am going crazy to workout. I think I am addicted. Finally seeing some progress doesn't help either. I just want to work harder and harder. Mixing the weight training and the floor excercises in seems to really have paid off. I am seeing quicker results, and I am SORE! My mucsles are also really tired. I feel like my body is falling asleep all jello-y all the time. I am feeling really really good lately too. My headaches aren't gone, but I have been able to manage them with over the counter medication so that is a drastic improvement. And they are definatley not as severe. Well back to resting lol!

Friday, June 20, 2008

I Did It!

I broke through the barrier I have been facing. I have been stuck between 144 and 145 for WEEKS! I finally dropped below this morning when I weighed myself I was 143....I know it isn't much, but mentally it is EVERYTHING! I needed this reward so bad. I have been working harder than ever. And just to brag for a moment, I was so jazzed by my progress this morning, I passed on the FREE pizza that my boss bought us at work today. Amazing what a little self satisfaction can do for a person huh! I am not one to pass on pizza.

I do still need to do my workout either tonight or tomorrow morning, cause I couldnt' get my butt outta bed this morning. Cody was up sick (well coughing, in his sleep) so I couldnt' sleep at all! So I decided I needed to grab the extra hour of sleep.

Well it is weekend time and we have a solid schedule of fun things to do!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Holy Moly!!!!

I just read this article about a woman whom I have seen on tv before. She had sextuplets a year ago and ran a marathon a few weeks ago! Here is the link if you would like to read about it. She also suffered cardiac arrest when she delivered and nearly died. In fact they weren't sure for a long time if she would have any health issues resulting from it. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/25258388/?GT1=43001

Although I find this a little crazy, I have to tell you I really need to stop complaining. I am always thinking to myself I am way to tired to do this or that. I think I just need to suck it up and push forward!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

something positive on a not so positive day

I finished my work out. Enough Said.

I Caved!!!!!

I am curretnly enjoying the refreshing taste of a caffinated soda and some delicious chocolate that is probably way too old considering it came from the vending machine upstairs. But I am feeling better and will definately have to work out today now. :)


Today is definately one of those "bad" days. I woke up feeling awful with a horrible headache. I didn't sleep well at all last night, I had really weird dreams.....(no more soy nuts before bed!)

I got on my scale this morning, and nothing. I am exactly where i was yesterday, and exactly where I was a week ago. I am getting so frustrated cause I feel like I am working my butt off, but there is nothing to show for it. I didn't run this morning because I feel so awful, which means I will stress about it all day until I finally find time to get it done. But I will get it done!

Robert got a weight set yesterday, and is going to help me weight train. I also decided to change up my workout routine a bit, and do a little less running and a little more cross training. Between push ups and weights, my arms are so sore! That is a good thing I know, but with my mood today, it just makes me more frustrated. Normally on a day like this I would go buy a soda and some chocolate and feel better, but I am really going to try to NOT do that. I have pretty much taken soda out of my diet, and been successful at resisting that. I just need something to pick up my day. I do have some coconut cream pie yogurt at work, that is my splurge item for the day! Hopefully I will be posting again today, and be more positive. Thanks for listening, it helps to vent. (even if no one reads it lol)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My new favorite!!!!

I found a new favorite snack! For those of you that already know this, why didn't you tell me? SOY NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are fantastically yummy, tons less fattening than regular nuts, and have a ton of added health benefits. A friend of ours added them to a chex mix I was snacking on, and I have been eating them for days and didn't know what they were, (I might add I was feeling very guilty over this tasty little snack), come to find out, I don't have to be guilty! This is my new favorite, for this week anyway.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Feeling Good

I am feeling pretty darn good today. It is Saturday, I got up early (sixish) to run, finished 40 minutes on the treadmill and have been hanging out with my kids for the morning. It is so nice! I am upbeat and feel fantastic. I read an article the other day, I wish I could find it again. Anyway it was titled 10 ways to cut calories everyday, and it was a list of ways you could reduce your calories just by doing daily things. The number one way was to play with your kids! You can burn 136 calories in 30 minutes just by playing with your kids! Like we need an excuse but HELLO!!!!???!!! What an awesome fact! Not sure why but I am so excited about that. I always think I don't have time to play, but now I can just include it in my workout time ;).

My friend is runing a half marathon today, and I just want to let her know how awesome she is. I am so proud and excited. And want her to know i was thinking of her. GO GIRL!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


After what I have realized is a list of mostly negative posts this one is about positivity. I am feeling sooo much better and after my work out yesterday felt totally amazing. I have come to the conclusion that my scale is sadistic. One day it weighs me right on the brink of my next goal, the next day I am right back where I started and I swear at times I hear it laughing at me. But I am ok with that. My clothes are fitting better and I am not going to run out and buy a new scale cause then if it does the same thing I can't likely blame it anymore. So all is well in Cindy's world for today. And Good luck this weekend Jen I am so excited for you. I can't wait to hear about it.

Monday, June 9, 2008

It has been a rough road.

Last week was a challenge. I had end of month at work, and an Admin Workshop that I had to lead a part of. On top of that my boss was in town (always means more work for me), and my allergies acted up, except that I DON'T EVEN HAVE ALLERGIES! At least I have never had them before. All of this lead to a five day migraine. In fact I spent all day yesterday in my darkened bedroom. :(

Now the good news, I did manage to stick to my work out routine, even through the tough times. I worked out all week, and did manage to lose about 1 pound. Not sure if it will still be gone tomorrow, but I need something to cling to today and that is it. This week is going to be much easier. I missed working out this morning, but plan on doing it as soon as I get the kids in bed tonight. I went to the chiropractor this afternoon and my head is starting to subside. If I could just get the boys to be quiet for half an hour all at the same time I think I might have a whole mood chaning experience. Ahhh well, off to a baseball game!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Not much to report on really. I am working hard and making no progress, but I am not losing ground either. I have gotten sick, so not much fun, and because of the headcold my migraines are flairing up something awful. But I have manag;ed to stick to my workout schedule and I am eating pretty good, however I haven't been tracking calories or anything cause I am focusing on getting healthy.

All in all, not bad but not great, hopefully things will pick up next week.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


So I weighed myself today and according to my scale I have gaines 8 pounds in less than four days.......So I think man this scale is broken so I make Robert weigh himself and it is dead on. So you think man I must have pigged out this week right? WRONG....I have been really really good, only eating healthy, yogurt for breakfast, protien bars for lunch, and healthy dinners, so I have to ask HOW ON EARTH IS THAT POSSIBLE!!!!????!!!!! EIGHT POUNDS???? I have also stuck to my workout routine and even pushed myself farther each day. Man I am so confused.

BUT! I am not going to get discouraged. I am sticking to being confused and moving forward. I feel healthier, and I think I look better, so something must be working right? And I am contemplating throwing out my scale and buying a new one. Just so strange it works for Robert and not me, maybe it is a sexist scale........

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A whirlwind weekend

We were so busy this weekend, I barely had time to think about cheating on my diet. I actually did pretty good, except for yesterday. And although I wasn't really bad, I ate way more than I should have. Plus my stomache has shrunk so much I was MISERABLE and couldnt' enjoy myself anyway!!! HAHA So now for the worst part, I got on the scale this morning and according to it I had GAINED weight!!! I don't see how that is possible. I even got up early and ran on Monday. So I am back to the grindstone as of today! I am so frustrated and defeated though I kinda want to just give up! I made a promise to myself that I would give it 6 weeks before I make any hasty decisions, and I am disappointly nearing that deadline. Well I am halfway there and definately feel like I need to regroup.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Another week

Well I am pretty pleased with myself, I managed to stick to my routine for another week. My energy level is through the roof lately so that is nice, and I have managed to coral the damage I did last weekend. HOWEVER.....it is a holiday weekend, and when I am home I just eat worse than I do at work. Plus we have a lot of family and plans this weekend, that mostly include food, so I am going to have to work really really REALLY hard to make wise choices and not just give in to temptation. But I am feeling really positive and ready to face it! I have learned to not deprive myself, just take smaller portions of what I want and try to find a few ways to make it healthier. That way I dont' feel like I am missing out!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A workout and a hot bath....

What a difference a day makes! I was so down and out yesterday. Got up this morning worked out hard, and then just soaked for thirty mintues. Wow i feel so much better today. It helps that my scale was on my side this morning. My legs have been freaking out lately. Constantly cramping and I didn't sleep well cause of it. But I still got up and ran and it was worth it. I have ENERGY this morning, and no migraine......yet! Well today will have to be short and sweet cause i am off to work. But it is going to be a great day!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I knew it was coming......

So I have suffered my first set back. This last weekend, although I thought I had done pretty good at controlling myself I gained a few pounds back. I have been working really hard at keeping myself in check, but somehow i slipped. I am going to smile and keep moivng forward (as Lewis Robinson would say!) I got up early Monday and ran for 30 minutes and walked ten again, and I have every intention of doing the same thing in the Morning. My migraines and health have held up so that is a plus. Usually I end up having to take some time off to recover or rest my body. I am also hoping that some of the gain is muscle cause my clothes are defintely still fitting looser. In case you are wondering this is me trying to stay positive. I will post more when i re-weigh and work out some more. I am also going to be adding crunches and stretching to my work out in the next few days, so that should also make a difference. I have to say thanks again to Jenny for her inspiration. I couldnt' do it without you girl.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday workouts are the hardest!!!

I did it! I stuck to my workout schedule all week and while it was REALLY REALLY hard to roll my butt out of bed this morning, I managed to get on the treadmill and run 30 minutes and walk another ten. And I feel awesome!!!! Plus I am down another half pound so that puts my total at 5.5 lbs so far!!!! I am having fun pushing myself and working out and it is so rewarding to see the pounds melting off. I probably should start preparing myself for the "plataue point" cause I am sure I am closing in on it. Well I have to get back to work just wanted to share my progress.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Not sure what I am doing

Well I have recently (three weeks ago) started trying to get healthier. I would like to lose twenty pounds and get my body into shape. I have truely been inspired by one of my dearest friends. She has done an amazing job of accomplishing what I want to. And she is the one who gave me the idea to start this blog to track my progress. She said it is helpful, and I need all the help I can get. I started running three weeks ago and have lost about five pounds.

I began this adventure at 149 (yikes). My goal is to get down to 129 in six months. It may be tough goal, but that is it. I have set intermediate goals to help me along. And my first one was 144, which is a pound lower than i have been in a year. I am proud to say i met that goal on Monday!!!! So my next one is 139, It has been about a year and a half since i have been in the 130's. I have to play these little mind games with myself to keep focused so we will see how far it will get me. I am really determined and excited about my progress.

I am planning on adding to this blog in the next few days, and add some receipes and other fun stuff. Wish me luck!