weight loss weblog

Friday, January 30, 2009

134 and holding

Well I weighed again this morning and I am .....134. WHich is fantastic, except I have been stuck at this point for a while. I have been bobbing back and forth between 134 and 137 for about two weeks now. While I am thrilled with my progress and feel proud that I have really stuck to it this time, I would love to see that scale say 133...a weight I have yet to see since I got pregnant with my first. So close yet so far away seems to keep popping into my mind. But I am seeing daily changes in my body, I don't chringe when I pass a mirror naked, ok maybe I do a little, but I have definitly stopped crying every time ;). So I am going to keep going and telling myself that 129 is really not far off. Volleyball tonight and tomorrow, and then back on the treadmill Monday.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sticking to it!

I have stuck to my resolutioln this year to get back in shape. Yes I know it is only 21 days into the New Year, but I usually quit by now so YAY ME!!!!! I haven't seen a drastic drop on my scale, but I am definitley starting to see a change on my body and how my clothes fit. (i may need to go shopping soon)
I am not killing myself working out. Keeping it simple, 17-20 min. on the treadmill running and 100 crunches everyday. I have been playing volleyball on Fridays and Saturdays and Sunday is my rest day. That being said, I am TIRED alot. I also have been working 7 hour days and oh yeah taking care of four boys and a husband. So I am going to keep on keeping on and hopefully by Feb. I can see a more obvious change in things. Right now that is how i am working it. Instead of making long term goals I am taking it month to month....

Thursday, January 15, 2009


So at the beginning of the year I told myself i was going to spend a week getting my diet back in check and then the next week kicking my workouts back in to gear. And......I have done it!!! I have done a min. of 17 min running on the treadmill and 100 crunches everday this week. Tomorrow I am going to play volleyball with some ladies from church, which will be fun, but best of all will be 5 workouts this week. So long week but I feel very accomplished, and am remembering how great it feels to workout again. Anyway Yay Me!!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Inching closer,

17 min. run on tread mill
100 crunches

Not backbreaking, but good enough for me. I have really done fantastic sticking to my diet last week ( except Saturday :( but that was worth th cheating)