weight loss weblog

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sticking to it!

I have stuck to my resolutioln this year to get back in shape. Yes I know it is only 21 days into the New Year, but I usually quit by now so YAY ME!!!!! I haven't seen a drastic drop on my scale, but I am definitley starting to see a change on my body and how my clothes fit. (i may need to go shopping soon)
I am not killing myself working out. Keeping it simple, 17-20 min. on the treadmill running and 100 crunches everyday. I have been playing volleyball on Fridays and Saturdays and Sunday is my rest day. That being said, I am TIRED alot. I also have been working 7 hour days and oh yeah taking care of four boys and a husband. So I am going to keep on keeping on and hopefully by Feb. I can see a more obvious change in things. Right now that is how i am working it. Instead of making long term goals I am taking it month to month....

1 comment:

megs said...

One day at a time, baby. One day at a time. :)

Keep it up!